Household Sewage Treatment Systems
The Van Wert County General Health District strives to ensure that household sewage treatment systems are designed and installed under permit and in accordance with State and local regulations.
When considering building a new home or purchasing land to build a new home in a rural area, the health department is involved in the process from the beginning. The process is outlined in this document.
HSTS New Construction Procedure
One of the first steps is to obtain a soil evaluation by a certified soil scientist.
Site and Soil Evaluation Providers
Sewage Treatment System Contractors
Septage Haulers
Service Providers
Operation and Maintenance Program Information
O&M Presenation
O&M Informational Poster
O&M Brochure
O&M Outline and FAQs
Law and Regulations
Van Wert County Health Department Supplemental Sewage Treatment System Rules
Ohio Sewage Treatment System Rules (Effective January 1, 2015)
Household Sewage System Information
Know Your Septic Tank- Operation and Maintenance
Sewage Treatment Systems- Ohio’s Decentralized Wastewater Infrastructure Fact Sheet
ODH Homeowner’s Information Page
USEPA Septic System Page