Communicable Diseases
Please call our nursing staff to report diseases at 419-238-0808 extension 101. If the disease is a Class A disease, you must speak to a person about the disease. If Linda is unavailable, please call 419-238-0808 103 or 107 to reach a clerk and ask to speak to someone available for reporting diseases.
For more information on communicable diseases, check out these links:

Hand Hygiene
Washing your hand can be the number one defense against getting or passing infectious diseases, so wash before you eat, after coughing into your hands, after petting animals and after taking care of someone who is sick. Contact your local health department and these web sites to learn more about it:

This is a disease that we do not see much in the United States but is now on the rise. There are many factors on why this is happening. To learn more about it or need any questions answered, contact your local health department and the following web sites:

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Community Acquired MRSA are on the rise. This is a staph infection that is resistant against antibiotics in the penicillin family. To learn more about MRSA, please contact your local health department or visit following web sites: