van wert county general health district

Van Wert County General Health District

Proud to Serve the Residents of Van Wert City & Van Wert County.

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The Van Wert County General Health District is required to license and inspect all campgrounds in the county.  Campgrounds are inspected at least twice each year.  Inspections center around basic safety and sanitation concerns, including proper disposal of solid waste, sewage and wastewater.

Ohio Administrative Code 3701-26

Health and Safety Concerns for All Disasters

Illnesses, injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, animals & insects, food, water, cleanup, mold, environmental concerns, and coping with a disaster. Learn more.

Content provided and maintained by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Please see the system usage guidelines and disclaimer.

Resources for health professionals

Related CDC resources


You can protect yourself and your family if you know what to do when you see lightning or when you hear thunder as a warning. Lightning strikes the earth more than 8 million times per day. The risk of being struck is low but the consequences of lightning strike injuries are serious. During 2003–2012, lightning caused an average of 35 deaths per year in the United States.

What you should know